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First steps in wealth planning

September 01, 2021

Ensuring that your wealth plan covers your current and future needs is the key to creating success. Defining your goals, considering your resources, and evaluating your options will determine your needs. An Integrated Wealth Advisor can best help you define the best ways forward once you’ve considered the following.

Monthly Budget

Successfully managing your overall finances is first addressed through looking at your monthly budget. Knowing your current regular recurring bills and expenses can ensure that you create a plan that allows you to meet your future objectives.


Building a secure and manageable future relies on saving for the unexpected and the anticipated. Saving is easier when you “pay yourself first” and build automatic savings into your budget now.

Risk Management

Risk takes many forms. This can manifest as illness, accidents, liability, and natural disasters, among others. Your financial future is jeopardized by any inability to manage risk properly. Smart wealth planning assesses the various levels and types of insurance to carry to ensure alignment with your overall goals and needs. In most cases, insurance can also provide a hedge against inflation, riskier investments, and be used as an effective alternative revenue stream.

Education Funding

Education costs for children and grandchildren can be staggering and one of the largest expenses you’ll ever incur. Having current information about proactive education savings vehicles can help you plan funding goals while limiting exposures to unexpected surprises or long-term debt.

Retirement Planning

Deciding on retirement choices can be daunting with options including CPP benefits, employer-sponsored plans, professional retirement savings, amongst others. An Integrated Advisor can guide you towards options that both support and enhance your overall strategies.

Estate Planning

Effectively transferring assets according to your wishes ensures that the people and charities you care about most are taken care of. Establishing trusts, regularly reviewing beneficiary designations and legal documents, and mitigating tax implications for survivors are vital to your confidence and security... and ensuring the security of your heirs.

Where to Start

Book an appointment to start the process towards integrated wealth planning. The more information you provide your advisor means the more custom-tailored options that will fit your needs, and your future. A regular review of your plan, current and ongoing financial situation, and future plans will ensure that the best strategy is in place to meet your unique goals.